Sunday, November 1, 2009


As my belly begins to be a little more conspicuous lately as our sixth child gains a sizable standing (literally!) in our family , I'm getting more and more comments from mostly-well-intentioned people comparing our family to the (in)famous Duggar family of TLC renown. Somehow, now that we're standing on the lofty edge of 6 children, everyone we know (and most that we don't!) are tempted to throw a rope across that vast divide that separates our 6 children from the Duggar family's 19, and wait for us on the other side.

Like we're physically capable of raising 19 children without literally, figuratively, and in every other sense dropping dead (I'm flattered by the notion, really).

The critics of the Duggar family's jackpot of offspring complain that the family is too big, too white, too Christian, too organized, too delegated, too mid-western...the list goes on. There seems to be a never-ending stream of criticisms against a family who has chosen to go counter-culture and have a lot of children, receiving them as gifts, nondiscriminately and in their own time. And that pretty much scares the crap out of me.

We've decided to go counter-culture, too. Our kids don't mix with a ton of other children, we homeschool, we don't own a television, the kids have a lot of responsibility for their ages. We have about three times the culturally accepted number of children, and people are afraid we're not quitting. Some people wring their hands and worry that we're environmentally irresponsible, that we're rabidly over-populating the planet almost singlehandedly, that we're raising an army of homogenized, milky-white prosumers with a cultural appreciation for grilled-cheese-and-that's-about-it. They worry that maybe we don't recycle enough, that the kids will all grow up Republican, that they'll hate the arts and freak out when they hit sunlight.

But do I have to apologize now for being white, Christian, or mid-western? Do I have to apologize that I consider myself an artist's tool in the hands of the Great Artist, and that I consider my children to be masterpieces that I helped create? Last time I checked, my lily-whiteness wasn't on the menu of life-choices I was given, so I can't really back-pedal on that one. The mid-western thing might can be remedied, but still not really a reason to be apologetic. And as for my Christianity, while sometimes an embarrassment because of the knuckle-heads in our ranks (I include myself in this epithet at various times), I can't really apologize for that, either. Or won't, anyway.

So that leaves the kids. All. These. Kids. And I wouldn't dream of apologizing for these little jewels, their amazing uniqueness, the obviousness of their potential impact on a hurting world. One scathing commentary on the Duggar's children called the latest addition to the family a "mewling sewer rat". Really. Really?? Has that nay-sayer never held a little 'mewling rat' in his arms and fell in love in the most irrational and profound way possible? Has he never looked into the face of a little one and seen the future, fresh and undefiled? How could I possibly apologize for helping to raise my very own passel of little tomorrows? Heck, they may all grow up Republican, and we may not recycle enough, and there's at least one of my brood who has good reason to freak out when he hits sunlight (oh, the woeful whiteness!), but not only will these kids love the arts, they are the arts--little kinetic masterpieces in a world in need of colorful motion. I could no more apologize for my children than Michaelangelo could have apologized for the statue of David.

But we will try to recycle more.



Jeanne Stolaas said...

My goodness gracious, Terry! I am going to start reading your blog - I am inspired by your writing. This was beautiful. And in my circle of moms, 6 is the average!
Oh, and I noticed David Wilcox on your sidebar of artists: I love his music and the words. My favorite lately is "Language of the Heart".
Thanks again for posting this on facebook so I can read it!

Karen R. said...

I love you Teri!! :)

erinlo said...

Teri- Oh. My. Goodness. Why, oh why, did I not receive your gift of words? I wish you could see the hair sticking up on my arms as I write this comment. Your post moved me beyond words.

The fact that you see your children as such treasures simply inspires me. I, especially this week, can not seem to see past the fact that I am required to stay indoors with mine until the flu has passed. I am utterly beside myself wanting so badly to GET OUT and GET AWAY from my children if only for a couple of hours.

But, you.........YOU! You force me to treasure every moment. To see them as masterpieces. To see them as artwork from the Lord that I helped create. And I am humbled. So. Very. Humbled. And I only have three.

You are not the Duggar family. You, dear cousin, are WAY cooler than the Duggar family. And, for that, I am thankful.

Just please, PLEASE see to it that at least ONE of them is not Republican:)