Wednesday, February 4, 2009


There's been a vague thought trying to surface in my mind for maybe years now, and it's only now becoming clear enough for me to identify the fuzzy edges of it and begin to see it taking form enough to make its way to my fingertips. I've been putting off writing in any appreciable way for years because I was afraid I didn't have anything to say, hadn't found my voice yet, I thought. But now that I'm in the thick of life and have arrived at the uncomfortable reality of being a real live grown-up adult person thing, it strikes me that I'm really afraid of losing my voice. I guess this means it must be in there somewhere already, waiting patiently to get out, not wanting to go away in the maelstrom of children and work and school and life and humanity.

I find myself thinking about the consequences of global events in terms of what'll happen to my voice if I'm caught up in it all--if the economy tanks and my family loses everything, what will become of my voice? Will I lose my voice if I have more children and end up drowning in homeschooling for 15 more years? If we move to a third-world country and become missionaries, will there be a place for my voice there?

Part of my reason for diving into blogging at long last, I guess, is really to give voice to, well, my voice. Maybe I should start capitalizing that, or give it a name, if it's going to become a friend of mine. For now, I'd like to introduce you to my voice; it's still young and somewhat timid, but I hope that my voice and your voice find something in common and find a nice place to get to know one another here.


CBozeman said...

I must say...I know voice well and love to hear what voice has to say! Makes my ears tingle...

In Love,

teri b. said...

You get so much of my voice, sometimes I wonder how you stand it! How many times have I roused you from a sound slumber with the words, "Honey, I have an idea..."

Yours in mind, body, soul, AND voice,

Anonymous said...

The fact that your favorite movie list has a place for Gattaca tells me we have much in common.

I can't wait to hear what your voice has to say. Maybe your voice will lend courage to mine?

Ginny said...

Teri, I think your voice is always there, but figuring out how to give proper expression to it is another thing. And the more responsibilities and obligations you have, with children, home, school and life, the deeper it can be buried. I hope you find room on thi blog to satisfy your creative urges, and remain the one in a million that you are.


(I hate to tell you this, but I think you've got at least 17 more years of homeschooling ahead of you right now. And then there's college to fund. Keep swimming, kiddo!)